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"How Tarot Cards Work and Science Behind the Magic"

How Tarot Cards Work:

Tarot cards are a tool used for divination and self-discovery. The deck typically contains 78 cards, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. The cards are often used in a spread or layout, with each position in the space representing a different aspect of the question or situation being explored. The interpretation of tarot cards is a highly intuitive process that requires a certain level of skill and experience. Tarot readers typically rely on their own intuition and knowledge of the cards to interpret their meanings and offer guidance to their clients.

Tarot cards can be used in a healing context to offer insight, guidance, and support to individuals who are seeking to improve their overall well-being. Here are some ways that tarot cards can work in healing:


Tarot cards can help individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs more deeply, and gain insight into the patterns and habits that may be holding them back.

Emotional release:

Tarot cards can help individuals to access and release pent-up emotions, which can be healing and cathartic.


Tarot cards can help individuals to feel more empowered and confident in their ability to make positive changes in their lives.


Tarot cards can offer guidance and support to individuals who are facing challenges or obstacles and help them to develop effective strategies for overcoming them.

Spiritual connection:

Tarot cards can be used to explore spiritual concepts and connect with higher powers or sources of guidance.

Personal growth:

Tarot cards can help individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their lives, and to develop greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.

The Science Behind the Magic:

While tarot cards are often associated with mystical and supernatural elements, there is actually a scientific basis for how they work. Here are some possible explanations for the science behind the magic of tarot:


Tarot cards can be seen as a tool for self-reflection and introspection. When a person receives a tarot reading, they may be prompted to think deeply about their current situation and consider new perspectives. This process can help to foster personal growth and promote mental health.


The images and symbols on tarot cards are rich in meaning and can tap into the subconscious mind. When a person sees an image that resonates with them, it can trigger a response on a deep level, leading to insights and realizations.

Random chance:

While some people may believe that tarot readings are guided by a supernatural force, it is also possible that the cards are simply chosen at random. However, even if the selection of cards is random, the meanings and interpretations assigned to them can still offer valuable insights and guidance.


The concept of synchronicity, which was first introduced by Carl Jung, suggests that seemingly unrelated events can be connected in meaningful ways. When a person receives a tarot reading, the cards that are chosen may be seen as a meaningful coincidence that reflects their current situation and offers guidance for the future.

Key Points on how Tarot Cards work:

  • Tarot cards are a tool used for divination and self-discovery.

  • The deck typically contains 78 cards, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning.

  • Tarot readings are often done using a spread or layout, with each position in the space representing a different aspect of the question or situation being explored.

  • Tarot readings can offer insights and guidance that help individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their lives.

  • Tarot readers rely on their own intuition and knowledge of the cards to interpret their meanings and offer guidance to their clients.

  • Tarot readings can work through the concept of synchronicity, where the cards that are chosen reflect the client's subconscious mind and the energy of the universe.

  • Tarot readings can also work through the power of suggestion, where the guidance and insights provided by the reader influence the client's thoughts and actions.

  • The act of receiving a tarot reading can be therapeutic and provide clients with a safe and supportive environment to explore their thoughts and feelings.

  • While the mechanisms behind tarot readings may be complex and multifaceted, they can offer a powerful tool for self-discovery, guidance, and personal growth.

  • It is important to keep in mind that tarot readings should not be used as a substitute for professional advice and that the insights gained from reading should be taken with a grain of salt.

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